What Flower Would You Like on Your Birthday Card?
Flower birthday cards have long been popular from the very first (commercially available) birthday cards sent by the Victorians to today’s society. The most popular birthday card flower is definitely the rose, but there are lots of other popular floral designs for you to chose from.
I have included a selection of my favorite birthday card flower – the blue iris – along with flower birthday cards for you to customize, vintage designs and modern flower greeting cards.
This year flower birthday cards are blooming all over the place and these are no exception. They are made on high quality card stock by a variety of different artists and photographers and are available for you to purchase from your own home – what could be easier?
Blue Iris Birthday Cards
Floral Greeting Cards Never Looked as Good!
My favorite flower is definitely the Blue Iris – I love the Dutch Iris and the Flag Iris, in fact in some garden centers they seem to mix the two different irises up……or maybe it depends on where you live! There’s something magical about an iris, but the deep blue adds even more of a depth to the flower which is why they are my favorite.
I’ve never tried to grow them myself, but I’ve told my hubby enough times to leave the roses for other people and bring me blue irises (I love roses too, but they can’t hold a torch to these beauties). These three cards would certainly stay up on my shelf long after my birthday has passed 😀
Gorgeous Blue Iris Happy Birthday Card
Iris Vase “Happy Birthday” Greeting Card
Blue Flag Iris Flower Photography Birthday Card
Personalize Your Flower Birthday Cards
Vintage Style Floral Birthday Greetings
These flower birthday cards are both cards with frames that enable you to upload a special photo or image to Zazzle yourself and personalize the card to make it extra special. It’s really quite simple to do – click on the design you want and then click on the customize button. Next you’ll want to click on add image and upload the image from your computer – click ok and you’re nearly there.
I found that the image I had was too big to fit in the frame so I clicked the – (minus) sign until the picture was small enough to be central in the frame. I think this would be great to add a picture of a loved pet, family member or friend. If they’re a prize winning gardener you could always add a photo from their latest prize winning plant.
Poppy Birthday Greetings Card Frame
Nasturtium Birthday Greetings Card Frame
More Vintage Inspired Birthday Cards
Floral Cards (of course!)
Begonia Vintage Birthday Card
Vintage Flower Birthday Card
More Flower Birthday Cards
Happy Birthday Flowers | Greeting Cards
There are so many different types of flowers that the amount of variety in floral birthday cards can be quite breathtaking, but I’m hopeful that you’ll be able to find something you like from the selection I’ve cultivated for you here.
If you’re not sure which card to purchase you can always go with a mixed bouquet or a collage of different flowers. I love the look of the flower collage on the birthday card opposite as I think the designer has selected the four different flowers (and their settings) beautifully, it just feels festive to me, but the white flowers on the bottom keep it from being too over the top – what do you think?
Floral Tribute Birthday Greetings Card
Flower Frame-BD Greeting Cards
Floral Birthday Greeting Cards
Sophisticated Flower Birthday Card
Happy Birthday Greeting Card
Gorgeous Flower Photo Birthday card
Rose Birthday Cards
The rose or roses are most definitely the most popular of all the birthday card flowers, as you know the blue iris is mine, but it appears that I’m in the minority as most people will think of roses when they think of flowers.
Not wanting to dominate my selection of flower birthday cards with a collection of rose birthday cards I’ve given them their very own page – enjoy!
Rose Birthday Cards
Are you looking for the perfect birthday card for someone who loves roses? Then I have a selection you are going to love from pink roses to purple roses, vin
More Flower Birthday Cards
A Floral Birthday Tribute
Let’s continue our browse through the florist shop that this card page seems to have turned into and find the ‘perfect’ floral birthday card for you to give to someone. There are classic designs ideal for special grandmas as well as modern designs that will look fantastic for your diva-like sister!
Pink Floral Happy Birthday Card
Happy Birthday-Pink Tulips Card
Framed Spotted Lily Birthday Card
Hibiscus And Friends Flower Birthday Card
Gerbera Happy Birthday Card
Pink Coneflower Birthday Card
“Each flower is a soul blossoming out to nature.”
Gerard De Nerval
Vintage Victorian Floral Birthday Day Card
Bright & Cheerful Floral Birthday Card
Pretty Purple Flowers Birthday Card
Red Flower – Happy Birthday Card
White Tulips • Birthday Greeting Card
Red Flash Floral Birthday Card

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